Mikrobiologisches Kolloquium / Microbiological Colloquium
Semester Winter 2024/2025
Biozentrum, LMU München
Bereich Mikrobiologie
Großhaderner Str. 2-4
82152 Martinsried
Date | Speaker | Topic |
Tuesday, 12.11.2024 at 5:15 pm B01.027, Biocenter |
Prof. Dr. Ruby Sullan University of Toronto |
Bacteria-Surface Interactions at the Nanoscale |
cancelled Wednesday, 11.12.2024 at 4:30 pm
cancelled Prof. Dr. Lisa Maier Universität Tubingen |
cancelled Drug-Microbiome-Interactions and their Consequences on the Host |
Tuesday, 14.01.2025 at 5:15 pm B01.027, Biocenter |
Prof. Dr. Carolin Wendling Max von Pettenkoffer Institut, München |
Host Parasite Co-Evolution across the Mutualism-Continuum |
Tuesday, 21.01.2025 at 5:15 pm B01.027, Biocenter |
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Sterner Universität Regensburg |
Retracing the Rapid Evolution of an Herbicide-Degrading Enzyme by Protein Engineering |
Wednesday, 05.02.2025 at 12:00 B01.019, Biocenter |
Prof. Dr. Pascale Cossart Insitut Pasteur, Paris |
How we raised a bacterium to the rank of a model system: the Listeria paradigm |